The Sea


Production optimization via effective flow management
Octbober 3rd, 2024

Workshop Program
Registration and breakfast 9:30-10:00
Technical session-I 10:00-12:00
Lunch 12:00-13:00
Technical session-II 13:00-14:00
Technical sessions
Technical session-I Optimizing lower liner design
Review field-proven and emerging technologies for efficient deployment and production optimization, including pre-installed autonomous water and gas management systems, adaptable to various reservoir types
Technical session-II Addressing flow area through advanced well interventions
Springblade patch system for water shut-off. Wireline deployed, ultra-slim patch-through-patch technology
Increasing flow area with high precision. Uniform hole creation using a fast, reliable, and repeatable puncher technology


Innowell Front New

Density Activated Recovery (DAR™)

Autonomous water cut reduction

WFV - MP (Welltec Flow Valve with Multi Position) hero -

WFV™ – MP (Multi Position)

Welltec® Flow Valve - for inflow & injection management

Isealate Hero

Isealate Springblade Patch

Ultra slim relining and repair solution

Puncher HERO 218

Welltec® Puncher

Non-explosive method for equalizing pressures between tubular strings