Well type
Sidetracked and completed as water injector
Max. deviation
90.19° @ 12,112 ft
Max. pressure
277 bar
Max. temperature
Distance tractored
6,037 ft
Challenges come plentiful during operations. A typical one is reduced rig-up height, which poses increased demands on the method selection. At an offshore Norwegian platform the rig-up height was planned to be just under 50 ft (15 m); thus requiring very short and agile intervention solutions.
The job at hand was a production logging conducted with a third party logging tool. Due to the limited rig-up height the ideal conveyance solution was the new Well Tractor® Compact Rig-Up (CR) as this tool could be configured to be little under 10 ft – exactly what the operator needed.
The objective of the operation was to perform a production logging over two zones in the well in order to establish where the produced water was coming from. Depending on these results another objective would be to isolate one of the zones.
Total length of the applied toolstring was 47.6 ft (14.52 m), which included the Well Tractor CR and the third party PLT string. The Well Tractor CR worked flawlessly, conveying the PLT to total depth: 11,940 ft (3,639 m) at such a high speed it outperformed the winch that was set up at 105 ft/min (32 m/min).
The operator achieved enough data to make an informed decision on how to proceed and it was determined not to isolate any zones by installing a plug.
Risks were significantly reduced as considerably fewer people were required on location just like Welltec’s lightweight, e-line technology eliminated heavy lifts.