Welltec and IPTC Conference Sessions

Scroll down to see where and when our experts are presenting during the official IPTC 2025 conference schedule.

IPTC 2025.

E-line Solution For A Single-run Combined Production Logging And ICD Shifting Operation: A Novel Approach

Knowledge Sharing e-Posters, Session 3
Location Hall 1 - Ground floor
Date Tuesday, February 18
Time 13:30 – 14:00
Presenters M. Mugharbil, Z. Al Bin Haji, Saudi Aramco SAOO; N. Alnafjan, Y. Alharbi, Welltec

Optimization Of Completions Using Inner String Metal Expandable Packer: A Case In Production And Injection Wells

Technical Session 35: Optimisation of Completions Planning and Execution
Location Room 406-407
Date Thursday, February 20
Time 0900-0930
Presenters J.J. Cayao, K. Tea, Welltec A/S; T. O'Reilly, M.K. Kolakalapudi, A. Ismail, A. Adeyeba, Brunei Shell Petroleum

Welltec official conference schedule presenters

Joven John R. Cayao
Joven John R. Cayao
Geothermal Technical Sales Engineer - Completion
Naif Alnafjan
Naif Alnafjan
Account Manager, Saudi Arabia
Yasser Alharbi
Yasser Alharbi
Account Manager, Saudi Arabia